The approaching cold front from the North already showed its effect this morning. The winds from the west whipped up the ocean and whitened the peaks of the strong swell hitting the shoreline. Our team decided to give it a go nonetheless, one last run before the bad weather arrives. The eyes of our spotter and crew scanned the ocean carefully…no dolphins, no birds, nothing. Nothing but the endless choppy blue Atlantic stretching away from the island.
Despite the long search that only involved a few circling Cory’s shearwaters (Calonectris borealis) as a marine species sighting, there’s something exciting and beautiful about being at sea in the days before a big storm hits. The choppy waters make the gorgeous island of Madeira look so peaceful and everything looks and feels alive! Our guests thoroughly enjoyed our wild ride in their waterproof gear and our boat was full of beaming smiles when we returned to the marina.
By Paula Thake
Sightings of the day
10:00 No cetacean sighting