When conditions are great a day out on the ocean is absolutely marvellous! The flat ocean and sunny conditions helped us admire and appreciate the Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) to the fullest during our tour aboard the Stenella this morning. While the first individuals we tried to approach from the same pod had already been observed and kept their distance, this handful of dolphins was willing to interact. The animals even lifted their heads to glance at us above the surface as they curiously approached our boats, their friendly faces mirrored against the surface of the Atlantic.
Like us, Bottlenose dolphins are self-aware so they are aware of their own existence and know that they are a separate entity to the rest of the group. This might not sound like much but it actually is a big deal. Self-awareness is tested using the mirror test, a methodic experiment where individuals are marked, are placed in front of a mirror and their reaction is observed. Most animals react as they would when encountering another conspecific. Others, like primates and Bottlenose dolphins, observe themselves curiously in ways similar to how human beings would. In 2001 Dr. Lori Marino headed an experiment that proved self-recognition in Bottlenose dolphins, making them the first primates to pass the test.
Naturally our extensive knowledge on the Bottlenose dolphins tempts us to extrapolate their characteristics onto other species of dolphin. However, just as not all primates had been tested or have failed the mirror test, as have other dolphins. So far, Striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) have not made the list of successful mirror test graduates but it would certainly not come as a surprise if they did! Striped dolphins do not fare well at all in captivity making it hard to use this method on them. We met these gorgeous dolphins after our encounter with the Bottlenose and their characteristic evasive behaviour soon prompted us to begin our search for a large Baleen whale (Balaenopteridae). We ended up returning to the marina without a sighting of a baleen whale but, considering their incredible intelligence, were humbled by our moments with the dolphins.
By Paula Thake
Sightings of the day
10:00 Bottlenose dolphins, Striped dolphins