Magic, magic, magic! A morning full of magic! The journey went out over a gentle sea of stars. The sun conjured stars on the blue. Such moments seem peaceful and cheerful. Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) let themselves drift quietly on the surface. But wait, there was also a breach! After that, it got relaxed again. Here and there a Sperm whale lifted its head out of the water; a fluke was gently lifted as the whale descended, and we were apparently examined very closely. An animal approached the Ribeira Brava, turned on its back and circled the boat from behind.
The small sea turtle, a Loggerhead turtle (Caretta Caretta) was traveling with her little friend, the Pilot fish (Naucrates ductor) and was also very interested in the boat. Pilot fish are common with sea turtles, manta rays, and sharks. An extremely useful fact is certainly that the pilot fish rid their companion of parasites.
But not only were there shimmering stars in the blue, there was also a rainbow. All in all, a perfect morning on the sea of stars.
By Fatima Kutzschbach
Sichtungen des Tages
Ribeira Brava
10:00 Sperm whales
14:30 Sperm whales