A day at Lobosonda can include a series of domino effects; the occurrence of one thing can immediately lead to the occurrence of another. This is an incredible advantage when it comes to sightings, especially on days when weather conditions aren’t exactly ideal. Our team was not anticipating the strong wind from the West and geared up for a snorkelling tour aboard the Stenella and a whale-watching tour aboard our traditional boat. After a long search out at sea, our spotter struck gold and one thing lead to another. While our zodiac didn’t manage to find any Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) for our guests, it did manage a sighting with Short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) and Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Our Ribeira Brava also got lucky in encountering a Bryde’s whale (Balaenoptera edeni) further west and a group of spotted dolphins.
In the meantime, I had the pleasure of welcoming some kids from a summer camp in Calheta to introduce them to the diversity of cetaceans around Madeira. I focused specifically on the Short-finned pilot whale, the subject of mural artists Piera’s painting now decorating the wall of the marina of Calheta. The collaborative piece aims to raise awareness on the marine life surrounding Madeira and collect donations for scientific institutions around the island as well as for the creation of a whale heritage site. Naturally, the kids also had their chance to join in the painting!
On the afternoon our Stenella scanned the windy oceans for ages to find the sneaky Sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis) our spotter had discovered. Suddenly the animal appeared near us and, after a brief sighting, we were suddenly surprised by a group of Rough-toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis), a curious species that is perfect to meet on choppier days. In the evening both our boats encountered a group of feeding Bottlenose dolphins and our team stuck around the sightings area to see if we would be surprised by yet another species, as we had been throughout the day, maybe to see another baleen whale suddenly pop up in the sightings area. We ended up not seeing any other species but our guests were completely satisfied with the feeding spectacle and wild ride at sea! What a busy but absolutely wonderful day!
By Paula Thake
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
10:00 Atlantic spotted dolphins, Bryde’s whale
15:00 Bottlenose dolphins
09:30 Bottlenose dolphins, Short-finned pilot whales
13:30 Rough-toothed dolphins, Sei whale
16:00 Bottlenose dolphins