When we start the briefing we always say: “We cannot guarantee a sighting but we always try our best to find something”. It is very difficult to make promises in Nature’s name we hope our guests understand that even with our spotter on land, if nature decides not to preset us with a sighting, we need to accept it. This morning, we headed out with our Stenella boat in search of animals but unfortunately we couldn’t see any cetaceans. The only sighting we had was a small By the wind sailor (Velella velella).
Our luck improved, and in the afternoon with our traditional boat Ribeira Brava, we had Short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) a mile apart. Going in to the wild is like a gamble, we never now what is going to happen, sometimes we have luck sometimes we don’t, yet is always an adventure going in search of the unknown.
by Daniel Jardim
Sightings of the day
09:30 No Sightings
Ribeira Brava
13:30 Short-beaked common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins