Today’s tour was a little bit different than the others! Weather conditions were not in our favor but anyways we were able to spot some Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) inside the fishing farms of Calheta.
Did you know that bottlenose dolphins can eat up to 590 kg of fish per day?! That’s why in rough weather conditions when the ocean underneath its really crazy they prefer the easy way and got to the fish farms so they can full their bellys up with fish. Here in Lobosonda, we call the fish farms the “Mc Dive” like Mc Donald’s but for dolphins. Today we were able to appreciate how their hunting behaviour changed according to windy weather conditions. What an amazing view!
By Camila Dávila
Sightings of the day
9:30 Bottlenose dolphins
Ribeira Brava
9:30 Bottlenose dolphins