Today we went out far. At a distance of 10nm (around 18km) our spotter Drumond saw a very high spout. So far from shore, this is an extraordinary achievement. However, there were about 25 minutes between the individual phases of surfacing. All guests are waiting very patiently. The views swept 360 degrees around the boat over the sea. Whale watching became whale watching. The spotter did his very best, but unfortunately we didn’t see the whale. On the way back, two guests caught a split-second glimpse of a Blainville’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris) diving down. However, it stayed that way. Even if we have a very high rate of sightings, there are also tours where we unfortunately cannot show our guests any marine mammals.
By Fatima Kutzschbach
Sighting of the day
9:30 Blainville beaked whales