Delphinus delphis / Calonectris diomedia borealis
Eine weitere Fahrt mit der Stenella: verschiedene Schulen gemeiner Delfine, eine portugisische Galeere und ein fliegender Fisch und für die Kinder ne Menge Spaß im Bug. Neuigkeiten von der Ribeira Brava auf Dock: alles sieht sehr schön sauber und frisch aus, aber die Ersatzteile aus Deutschland sind immer noch nicht eingetroffen.
One more trip with Stenella: several pods of common dolphins, a portuguese man of war and a flying fish and lots of fun for the kids in the bow. News from Ribeira Brava on dock: all looks very clean and tidied up but we’re still waiting for the last spare parts from Germany .
Delphinus delphis
Mais uma viagem com a Stenella: varios grupos de golfinho comum, uma caravela portuguesa e um peixe voador e os miúdos gostavam muito estar na proa. Novidades da Ribeira Brava no estaleiro: tudo muito fresquinho e limpinho, mas as peças da Alemanha ainda não chegaram.
Delphinus delphis
Delphinus delphis
Rafael bei der Arbeit: der Weg ist das Ziel
Rafael at work: the way is the target
Rafael no trabalho: o caminho é a meta
Wer wird wohl all diese Arbeit machen wenn Rafael zu alt ist? Wer wird in seine Fußstapfen treten und alles so schön pflegen und richten?
Who will do all this work when Rafael is getting old? How will step into his footsteps and keep and care about this wooden treasure?
Quem vai fazer este trabalho todo quando o Rafa está velho? Quem vai seguir as pagadas dele e cuidar e arranjar essa relíquia?
very nice post, there are certainly some questions to be answered!!
Mara, keep on studying and we’ll answer the questions after finishing your “ciencias do mar”
Rafael needs some apprentices to help him and learn these crafts so that they are not lost forever Paul in Paul do Mar
young folk 😉 yes Paul