Was für ein Tag . . . 2 Stenella Fahrten, 2 Fahrten mit der Ribeira Brava und IMMER Pottwale vom Feinsten. Morgens gab es zudem noch Tümmler und spät nachmittags noch Flecken,- und Streifendelfine. (Bilder von der Ausfahrt der Ribeira Brava um 13.30 werden später nachgepostet)
Physeter macrocephalus (Stenella 11:00)
What a day . . . 2 trips with Stenella and 2 Ribeira Brava trips and ALL with sperm whales only showing the best. As well bottlenose dolphins in the morning and spotted and striped dolphins in the late afternoon. (photos from Ribeira Brava trip at 13:30 we will post later)
Physeter macrocephalus (Stenella 11:00)
Um dia muito especial . . . 2 viagens com Stenella e 2 com Ribeira Brava e SEMPRE vimos cachalotes dol melhor. De manha ainda vimos roazes e a tarde encontramos ainda golfinhos pintados e riscados. (fotos da viagem da Ribeira Brava as 13.300 vamos colocar mais tarde)
Physeter macrocephalus (Stenella 11:00)
Physeter macrocephalus (Stenella 14:30)
Physeter macrocephalus (Ribeira Brava 17:00)
Tursiops truncatus (Stenella 11:00)
Stenella frontalis (Ribeira Brava 17:00)
Physeter macrocephalus (Stenella 11:00)
Whales 3 days in a row, that is wonderful!!! It seems I left Madeira a few days too early :). Perhaps my wishes to see whales were answered, only with a short delay. Beautiful pictures from the spermwhales, and so close to Stenella. Thank you again for all those wonderful trips. The last encounter with the RoughToothed Dolphins was an amazing experience. Kind regards, Saskia.
Hi Saskia, thanks for your nice comment and for joining 13 of our trips (all with cetacean). The sperm whales yesterday have been really amasing, all day long!!! We were thinking on you and talking about you after that sightings. Your Blainville beaked whale photos will come soon and I will try to prepare some more nice photos from your trips, but in the last days we didn’t had time to breath, so much guests, so many trips. We will not forget you. Greatings to the Netherlands Claudia & the Lobosonda team