2 Fahrten mit der “Ribeira Brava” heute bei ruhiger See und Sonne. Morgens war Rafael an Bord und hatte keine Kamara dabei und somit konnten weder die Tümmler noch die gemeinen Delfine fotographisch festgehalten werden. Die Bilder stammen von der Nachmittagstour von Claudia.
2 Trips with Ribeira Brava today, the sea was calm and the sun was shinning. In the morning Rafael was the guide on board and forgot the camera, so we don’t have any pictures from the bottelnose and common dolphins we saw. These pictures are from the afternoon trip with Claudia.
Tivemos 2 viagens com o Ribeira Brava, o mar estava calmo e o tempo solareiro. Na viagem da manhã o Rafael esqueceu se da máquina, sendo assim não temos fotos dos roazes e golfinhos comuns que vimos. Estas fotos são da viagem da tarde com a Claudia.
Delphinus delphis
Physalia physalis
Delphinus delphis