We went to Funchal this morning to observe Short-finned Pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) and Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) with our guests. These two types are often found together. At the moment, they are very frequently ticked on our cute, little sighting passport. But encountering the same species often can be very interesting, because you can clearly observe their general behavior and get to know them even better. But one would be wrong to believe that such repetitive sightings get boring. Far from it with such an assumption, because nature is always surprising, always different and therefore every single encounter is something special and through repetition we can learn so much. It’s a bit like in the feature film “Groundhog day“, where the day is repeated over and over again, but in the course of the day new variations are added that determine the events and the success in the end.
Unfortunately, we weren’t successful in the afternoon. Despite an intensive search, no marine mammals were in sight.
By Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
14:30 No sightings
10:00 Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins