Gestern keine Fahrt, heute dafür aber gleich 3. Morgens gab es leider keine Sichtung. Mittags sahen und hörten wir Pilotwale und Tümmler und näherten uns 3 Schildkröten. Nachmittags sahen wir Blainville Schnabelwale und ganz weit draußen und viel weiter Richtung Osten wieder Pilotwale und Tümmler.
Yesterday no trips, but today we had 3. In the morning unfortunatly no sightings. On the midday trip we saw and heard pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins and approached to tree turtles. In the afternoon we’ve been with Blainville beaked whales and far out and much to the east we met again the pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins.
Ontem não tivemos viagens, mas hoje até tivemos 3. De manha infelizmente não tivemos nenhum avistamento. A viagem do meio viu roazes e bocas de panela e aproxima-mo – nos de 3 tartarugas. A tardinha tivemos com baleias de bico Blainville e muito mais fora e para leste reencontramos as bocas de panela com os roazes.