Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were off our coast today on our morning and midday tour. They were very relaxed. There has to be a rest sometimes. On the midday tour there was a little calf at mom’s side in the second school. Whether human or animal children, they always evoke delight. Everyone knows Bottlenose dolphins. They became famous through the film “Flipper” and their captivity. However, a small concrete pool is definitely not a substitute for the open sea. There is therefore only one place where these powerful, majestic dolphins belong: the ocean. In order to protect this species of marine mammal, I ask you never to visit a dolphinarium. This entry ticket supports animal cruelty.
By Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
09:30 Bottlenose dolphins
13:30 Bottlenose dolphins
09:30 Bottlenose dolphins
14:00 Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins
17:00 Striped dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins