Monachus monachus
Heute sahen wir eine der seltenen Mönchsrobben und die zweite Fahrt mussten wir absagen wegen den, immer schlechter werdenden, Wetter und Meeresbedingungen. Weitere Einzelheiten über diese Robbe folgen sobald sie identifiziert werden konnte.
Today we saw one of the rare monk seals and the second trip we had to cancel because of the worse wether and sea conditions. Further details about the seal we will post as soon as it is identified.
Hoje avistamos uma das raras focas monge e a segunda viagem tivemos de cancelar por causa das más condições do tempo e do mar. Mais pormenores sobre a foca vamos colocar logo que fui identificada.
1 Comment
what a gift to meet the seal on Madeira. I only met seals on the Galapagos Islands and one of them was playing with me for about an hour , diving looking in my eyes( with the diving glasses),looked at me out of the water startet surrounding each other, then he dissapeared and few minutes later , like a torpedo speeding near to me … turing rounds again . Never forget these moments . It´s such a miracle like being with the dolphins . Thank You for sharing all those beautiful pics
greetings from La Gomera Kara