This morning we had a gentle tour with a spectacular sighting. First we found Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) migrating towards Funchal. We tried to approach them, but it quickly became clear that they were not interested in us. So we let them go their own way.
Afterwards, we were lucky enough to see fourteen sleeping beauties. Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) float calmly on the sea surface. This behavior is called logging. Some socialized with the neighbors. We saw flukes and heads, lots and lots of heads. When Sperm whales are resting, they sometimes stand upright in the water, head up. To breathe, they then surface just enough to get their blowhole above the surface of the water, so they can take a breath. After that, they sink down again. Today we were able to observe this behavior very well. By the way, the head occupies two-thirds of the entire body. But the lower jaw is very narrow and long. Depending on the size of the whale, the lower jaw has 20-25 parallel rows of teeth, with matching hollows in the upper jaw into which the teeth of the lower jaw fit. By the way, there were 17 large whales in total. Three animals had separated somewhat.
On the way back, we encountered three Loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) floating serenely on the surface. Loggerhead turtles were also seen on our second tour.
In the afternoon we went far out. We had one marine mammal species, but it was extremely intense. Three to four subgroups with about twenty or more Short-finned Pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) moved peacefully through the ocean. Such situations, such as with the Pilot whales, intensify the holiday feeling enormously. Her typical “Pffffff”, the very well audible exhalation, lets you take a deep breath and be more present. Their relaxed manner is contagious. There was also a lively kindergarten group with Pilot whale calves to watch. Imagine that their gestation period is 16 months! Wow! It was very pleasurable with the marine mammals and the guests. Thank you very much!
By Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
14:30 Pilot whales, Loggerhead turtle
10:00 Bottlenose dolphins, Sperm whales, Loggerhead turtles