Mesoplodon densirostris
Nur 2 Fahrten heute, aber heute ist Verstärkung für unser Team eingetroffen und die Sommersaison kann nun losgehen, wir sind gerüstet. Diese 2 Fahrten aber voll von schönen Sichtungen: Blainville Schnabelwale, Gemeine Delfine und Tümmler.
Only two trips today, and also today reinforcement for our team arrived and the summer season can begin, we are ready! The two trips from today had nice sightings, such as: Blainville Beaked whales, common dolphins and bottlenose dolphins.
Hoje tivemos apenas duas viagens, e também hoje chegou reforço para a equipa, a época de verão pode começar, estamos prontos! Nas viagens tivemos bonitos avistamentos de: Baleia de bico Blainville, golfinhos comuns e roazes.
Mesoplodon densirostris / Homo sapiens
Delphinus delphis
Tursiops truncatus
Mesoplodon densirostris