Physeter macrocephalus
Drei Fahrten mit der Ribeira Brava und es gab zu sehen Fleckendelfine und Pilotwale (Fahrt um 9 Uhr), Tümmler und Pilotwale (Fahrt um 13.30), Fleckendelfine und Pottwale (Fahrt um 17 Uhr). Nur gegen Abend frischte der Wind auf, der restliche Tag war sehr ruhig, aber die Pottwale haben das wieder wett gemacht 😉
Stenella frontalis
Three trips with Ribeira Brava and we saw atlantic spotted dolphins and pilot whales (trip at 9:00), bottlenose dolphins and pilot whales (trip at 13.30), atlantic spotted dolphins and sperm whales (trip at 17:00). Only in the late afternoon there came some wind, the rest of the day was very calm.
Tursiops truncatus
Tres viagens com a Ribeira Brava e vimos golfinhos pintados e bocas de panela (viagem das 9), roazes e bocas de panela (viagem as 13.30), golfinhos pintados e cachalotes (vigam as 17). Só a tarde levantou vento, de resto do dia estava muito calmo, mas os cachalotes compensaram isto.
Globicephala macrorhynchus
Caretta caretta