Homo sapiens
Alle haben sich gefreut, Skipper, guide und Gäste und sogar die Tümmler haben gelächelt. Dieses Lächeln wird ihnen zum Verhängnis, wenn wir an die Sendung Flipper denken und an die Delfinshows in denen sie zu Clowns gemacht werden. In der freien Natur können sie täglich 100 km schwimmen und leben in einem festen Familienverband zusammen. Die Wirklichkeit des Delfinariums sieht anders aus und jährlich werden 1000de von Delfinen gejagt und grausam abgeschlachtet, damit die schönsten Exemplare dann in die verschiedensten Länder an Delfinarien verkauft werden.
All have been happy, the skipper, guide and the clients and even the bottlenose dolphins were smiling. These smile is their calamity, we only need to think about the TV star “Flipper” and about all these dolphin shows, where they are made to clowns for our amusement. In the wild nature they may swim more than 100km every day and they live in strong family structures. The reality of a Delphinarium is looking different and every year there are several 1000 of dolphins hunted and brutally killed to feed the dolphin industry all over the world with new and beautiful dolphins.
Todos estavam felizes e contentes, os clientes, a guia, o skipper e até os roazes estavam sorridentes. Este sorriso natural destes lindos animais traz lhes muita tristeza também, basta relembrar o “Flipper” e todos os espetáculos com golfinhos, onde fazem dos animais palhaços para nosso divertimento. Na natureza estes animais nadam mais de 100km por dia, todos os dias, e vivem em estruturas familiares sólidas. A realidade dos delfinários é muito diferente e todos os anos são mortos centenas de golfinhos para sustentar esta indústria pelo mundo inteiro.
Tursiops truncatus
Homo sapiens