After a short consultation between Lobosonda Skipper (Shop in Calheta) and Spotter (at the lookout) due to increasing wind, we decided right and went out for a trip. Off Encumeada canyon we were rewarded with a nice sighting of active Common dolphins. The little dolphin school was chasing and feeding on their prey. What a wonderful spectacle. Besides them, also many Cory`s Shearwater (Oceanic birds) were trying to catch some of the delicacy. After some moments, curiosity conquered and some dolphins came over to check us out. Common dolphins are abundand all year round in Madeiran waters. With peaks rather in the winter months. It is a cosmopolitan species and can be fast swimmers, speeding up to 60 km/h.
Since a few days we are observing ongoing operation at sea in front of Marina of Calheta , which seems to augur badly. An installation of Aquaculture cages will be settled right in the marine national park waters, close to shore. Negative effects are known from Salmon Aquaculture in Norwegean fjords. We will keep up updated.
by Astrid Haas
Sightings of the day:
Ribeira Brava
13.30: Common dolphins