Heute morgens hatten wir gleich 3 Sichtungen: kurz Blainville Schnabelwale, dann eine Schule junger Fleckendelfine, die sich später zu Pilotwalen gesellt haben. Diese zwei Spezies hatte ich noch nie zusammen erlebt. Ich hoffe Peter, von den Ferienapartments Ribeira Funda, kriegt den Film schön zusammengeschnitten und entwackelt, denn das Meer war etwas unruhig so weit draußen bei den Tieren. Nachmittags sahen nur unsere Landposten die Schnabelwale und wir waren eine lange Zeit zusammen mit einer Schule Fleckendelfinen, bestehend aus vielen adulten Tieren, wo wir schön die Flecken bewundern konnten.
Stenella frontalis / Globicephala macrorhynchus
Today in the morning we had 3 sightings: for some short moments we saw Blainville’s beaked whales, then a pod of young atlantic spotted dolphins, which later on accompanied our boat and the pilot whales we spotted. These two species I’ve never seen together. I hope the video will be good to show this later in youtube. Peter from the holiday apartments in Ribeira Funda will have to work on it, because the sea was a bit moved out there and so is the film 😉 In the afternoon only our spotters saw the beaked whales and we’ve been with a pod of lots of adult atlantic spotted dolphins, where you can observe very well the spots they get with their age.
Hoje de manha tivemos com 3 espécies: primeiro e curto tivemos com baleias de bico Blainville, depois com golfinhos pintados que se juntaram com bocas de panela mais tarde. Esses dois espécies eu nunca tinha visto junto. Provavelmente posso colocar os meus vídeos no youtube em breve, mas primeiro Peter têm de os afinar, o mar lá fora não estava muito calmo e assim ficaram os vídeos também. A tarde só as vigias viram as baleias de bico e nos tivemos com um grupo grande de golfinhos pintados com muitos adultos. Nas fotos pode se ver muito bem as pintas deles, que os jovens ainda não têm.