Delphinus delphis (16:46)
Heute wieder 2 Fahrten: morgens sahen wir gemeine Delfine, Pilotwale und Tümmler, nachmittags jede Menge gemeiner Delfine beim Fressen und eine falsche Karettschildkröte.
Globicephala macrorhynchus (12:55)
Today we had again 2 trips: in the morning we saw common dolphins, pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins, in the afternoon lots of common dolphins while feeding and one Loggerhead turtle.
Delphinus delphis (16:40)
Hoje tivemos novamente 2 viagens: de manha vimos golfinhos comuns, baleias piloto (boca de panela) e roazes, a tarde tivemos com muitos golfinhos comuns em alimentação e uma tartaruga boba.
Delphinus delphis (11:31)
Delphinus delphis (11:04)