Our recent encounters with the remarkable Common Dolphins (Delphinus Delphis) let us see a different facet on their behaviour. Brace yourselves for a journey into the heart of their playful world!
In this sun-kissed morning on the horizon a lively pod of Common Dolphins emerged, painting the sea with bursts of energy and excitement. These sightings have become a cherished spectacle for those lucky enough to witness the magic.
Our local Common Dolphins are true socialites, often spotted in tight-knit pods that weave and dance through the waves. The sheer joy and camaraderie displayed by these marine companions create a spectacle that warms the hearts of onlookers. As if choreographed by the ocean itself, these dolphins engage in a breathtaking ballet of jumps, spins, and synchronised swimming. The contrast of their sleek bodies against the backdrop of the deep blue sea is a sight to behold. Their distinctive hourglass patterns and vibrant hues add a splash of excitement to our coastal waters.
But it’s not all about the show – Common Dolphins are also skilled hunters. Witnessing their hunting techniques is a testament to their intelligence and adaptability. They often work together when hunting, creating strategic plans to corral schools of fish. Their cooperative efforts showcase a level of teamwork that rivals even the most sophisticated marine predators.
Channeling their inner speed demons, these dolphins can reach incredible velocities while chasing down their prey. Their streamlined bodies and unparalleled agility make them the true speedsters of the open sea.
So, the next time you find yourself by the shore, keep a keen eye on the horizon. You might just be treated to a live performance by our resident Common Dolphins, weaving tales of joy and survival in the vast expanse of our beautiful waters.
by Camila Dávila
Sightings of the day
09:30 Common dolphins
13:30 Common dolphins