Today was a day to remember as we were graced with a breathtaking sighting of three magnificent dolphin species, each accompanied by their adorable calves. It was a scene of pure joy and wonder, reminding us of the beauty and marvels of the natural world.
First among our visitors were the playful Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). These charismatic creatures are known for their friendly demeanor and acrobatic displays, and today was no exception. As they gracefully swam alongside our vessel, their young calves frolicked in the waves, their exuberance a delightful sight to behold.
Following closely behind were the Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis), aptly named for their widespread distribution across the world’s oceans. With their distinctive hourglass patterns adorning their sleek bodies, these dolphins seemed to dance effortlessly through the water, their calves keeping pace with their boundless energy.
But the highlight of our encounter came with the arrival of the majestic Pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus). These gentle giants, with their sleek black bodies and prominent dorsal fins, commanded attention as they glided through the waves. And to our delight, they were accompanied by their young calves, adding an extra layer of warmth and tenderness to the scene.
As we observed these magnificent creatures and their precious offspring, it was a poignant reminder of the importance of protecting our oceans and the diverse marine life that inhabits them. Every sighting serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living beings and the need for conservation efforts to ensure their survival for generations to come.
Today’s encounter will forever be etched in our memories as a testament to the wonders of nature and the privilege we have in sharing this planet with such extraordinary creatures. Let us cherish these moments and continue to strive towards a future where they can thrive in harmony with their environment.
By Camila Dávila
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
09:30 Short-finned Pilot whales, Short-beaked common dolphin
13:30 Bottlenose dolphin, Short-finned Pilot whales
09:30 Bottlenose dolphin, Short-beaked common dolphin, Short-finned Pilot whales
13:30 Bottlenose dolphin, Short-finned Pilot whales