Delphinus delphis / Calonectris diomedia borealis / Puffinus puffinus / Larus michahellis
Wir haben heute auf beiden Touren jede Menge gemeiner Delfine beim Fressen gesehen. Dazu Hunderte von Vögeln wie Gelbschnabelsturmtaucher, Schwarzschnabel Sturmvögel und nachmittags auch mindestens einen Madeirawellenläufer, den ein finnischer Gast erkannt hat. Morgens sahen wir noch diese portugiesische Geleere.
Delphinus delphis / Calonectris diomedia borealis
We´ve been on both trips today with lots of common dolphins while feeding. In between and around lots of birds like Cory Shearwaters, Manx Shearwaters and in the afternoon as well a madeira storm petrel, which was identified by a finnish guest onboard. In the morning we saw as well these portuguese man of war.
Physalia physalis
Hoje tivemos nas duas viagens com muitos golfinhos comuns em alimentação. No meio dele havia centenas de aves como Cagarras, Patagarros e um cliente da Finlândia conseguiu identificar também um Roque de Castro. De manha também vimos esta caravela portuguesa.
Delphinus delphis / Calonectris diomedia borealis