Heute mussten wir unsere Fahrt wegen Regen stornieren, im Restaurant Mordisco sassen wir zu Beginn noch zusammen in der Hoffnung der Regen wuerde nicht anhalten, aber letztendlich mussten wir dann aufgeben. Uebrigens koennen Sie diesen herrlichen Blick aufs Meer ganz in der Naehe unseres Hafens geniessen in einem Ferienhaus in Ribeira Funda.
Today we had to cancel our trip because of the rain. After some time of waiting at the Calheta marina’s restaurant Mordisco we gave up and really all day long it switching between rain and a bit of sun. Good waves for the surfer in Paul do Mar. By the way you know the SUNNY HOUSES ? Very nice private accomodation for your next holiday here on madeira island.
Hoje tivemos de cancelar a nossa viagem por causa da chuva. Esperamos algum tempo no restaurante Mordisco com a esperança que ia melhorar, mas realmente todo o dia o mar estava calmo, menos na linha da costa, mas todo o dia mudou entre sol e chuva.