Instead of the song “Saturday night fever” we would have been able to sing together “Saturday dolphin fever” today. A nice Saturday afternoon with plenty of girl power and many dolphins, very perfect.
The beautiful Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) surprised us close to shore and not only that, they also came close to the boat. The girls were thrilled and the adults too!
After this glorious sighting, there was first a small group of Atlantic Spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis), and afterwards our captain, Filipe, found a really large, interactive school of interactive Spotted dolphins. Thank you Filipe! As always, it was lively, joyful, exciting, funny with these little marine mammals. The girls were thrilled and the adults too!
And where was the nose again? Yes, just above the head! Very handy, because the dolphin can easily come up in the swimming movement to absorb oxygen. When submerged, the blowhole is closed to prevent ingress of water. Only sometimes the dolphins let out air slowly under water and then beautiful bubbles cord arises. If dolphins would have their nose in the same place as us, they would have to come upright every time. That’s what our clever girls found out today.
By the way, check our photos! Do you find a “question mark”? Now when asked if our girl and the adults enjoyed the ride, everyone enthusiastically answered with bright eyes with “Yes !!”. 🙂
We were given a rich gift today! When encountering wild dolphins, it is not self-evident that we can expect such a joy of contact. In nature, it is not even sure that you have any encounter with marine mammals. But we were allowed to experience the Saturday dolphin fever today. Therefore, please support these wonderful creatures by signing the petitions (under Whale watching – Marine protection). Many Thanks!! 🙂
by Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
15:00 Atlantic Spotted dolphins, Striped dolphins
12:00 Common dolphins, Atlantic Spotted dolphins