Today there was the same group of Short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) on the morning and miday tour. They were far from shore and it required some searching. There were also a few tiny little calves in school. As small as their bodies were, they were only seen briefly before disappearing back into the water at their mother’s side.
Also on the evening tour we observed Pilot whales. This time it was a different group. How do I get the title “Sixteen – …”? Pilot whales have a gestation period of sixteen months. A really long time that certainly strengthens the bond between mother and calf. A female is capable of reproducing between 12 and 35 years. If the female is in good health, she will give birth to a calf every 3-4 years. Unfortunately, this adorable species of marine mammal is hunted in some places. If you want to help protect pilot whales, you can do so on our petition page.
The animals will thank you.
On the evening tour we observed seven Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis). A dolphin courted a female with a gallant leap. The gestation period for Spotted dolphins is nine months. That solves the puzzle after the “…- Nine” in the title.
We also encountered two Loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta). One took her chance for a small snack. Algae and a few crabs had settled on a plastic box. We fished the box out of the water anyway. It was already torn open on the side. This posed a risk that the turtle would get stuck in it. In addition, plastic doesn’t belong in the sea.
By Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
09:30 Pilot whales
09:30 Pilot whales
14:00 Pilot whales
17:00 Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Loggerhead turtle