Today was dedicated to the Short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus). Unlike other dolphin species, these fascinating animals do not have a long, distinctive beak, but only a short-snouted base. In the morning the observation situation was quite difficult. Just before we got to the sighting area, a large fish trawler moved very quickly through the sub-groups of resting Pilot whales. After that, they dived quickly every time we tried to get close to them. A small pod of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) also stayed nearby. However, they were only seen briefly.
At noon we could observe the same sub-groups of Pilot whales. At first the animals rested on the surface, but they changed their behavior. They were on a mission. Why were they suddenly in a hurry? Did you want to get to the second subgroup? Did were ready for a hunt after the rest period? It turned out that both were the case. Both small groups met in front of the Ribeira Brava’s bow and then dived together in unison. Hopefully they had a successful hunt.
Not only do these beautiful animals hunt, they are unfortunately hunted themselves in some places. They are brutally slaughtered on the Faeroe Islands and in Taiji/ Japan. Click here to go to our petition corner, where you can speak out against this cruelty.
By Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
09.30: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins
13.30: Pilot whales
09.30: Pilot whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins
13.30: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins
16.00: Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins