Jede Menge Tümmler in Aktion, d.h. schnelles Schwimmen, Bugwellenreiten, surfen in der Welle. Schöne, große und kräftige Tiere. Morgen gibt es keine Fahrt, aber das Blumenfest in Funchal.
Lots of bottlenose dolphins in action, this means leaping, swimming fast, coming into our bow and surfing on the waves. Nice, bib and strong animals. Tomorrow we don’t do trips, but there is the flower festival in Funchal.
Bastantes roazes em acção, quer dizer aos saltos, no nossa proa, nadando rápido e surfar nas ondas. Animais bonitos, grandes e fortes. Amanha não há viagens, mas a festa da flor no Funchal.