“Under the cherry moon” was once a famous song from the US artist called Prince. At the moment we have fullmoon nights. The moon is the brightest object at the sky. Almost all living beings on earth (except for deepsea or other hidden creatures) recognise this bright light shining in the nights. Especially during night sailing, fullmoon can be very impressive and unforgetable for sailors.
The moon light is moreover coordinating serveral biological cycles. A famous example is the paloloworm (polycheat, marine worm), living in the Pacific ocean. His reproduction is synchronized by lunar rhythms. Many other marine organisms have besides their body clock (24 h) also a lunar clock which is focused on the moon phases and/or the tides.
If the sun, moon and earth are in one line, like this case at full (or new moon) there are especially high tides (spring tide). For sure also marine mammals recognise and use this rhythms in their way.
On all three tours today we had a dream-team of Tropical whales und Atlantic spotted dolphins. At the afternoon trips guests from both boats observed beside the Tropical whales also a big school of active Spotted dolphins with at least 100-200 animals. Some of them full of energy. We saw much of a socializing behaviour going on like animals touching each other, synchronous jumps and surfacing. Even some high jump performances.
yours Astrid Haas
Sightings of the day:
10.00: Tropical whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins, Loggerhead sea-turtle
15.00: Tropical whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins
Ribeira Brava
14.30: Tropical whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins