During this year I only observed our sightings from far away, thanks to our blog. I love this blog, because you can really witness what is going on in our blue office. Our guides put a lot of knowledge into their texts and you feel the love that they are written with. Often I already know, by looking to the title, who wrote the blog, cause each text is blessed with know-how and personality.
But today it was my turn to be in the Nature live, onboard of Stenella as a guide. The ocean presented itself with a huge swell and the Pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) had chosen the wind channel as their territory today. Because of this, we had salty splashes from the sea once in a while, giggling guests, views to the beautiful Madeira island and of course the Pilot whales. Often we encounter these night active animals resting during the day, bobbing at the surface but today they preferred to play hide and seek in the waves. Explaining some facts about the pilot whales, I painfully realized that they are still hunted. I’m alerting this for 16 years now!!!! Can this be still true? Please have a look at our site, under marine protection https://www.lobosonda.com/whale-watching/marine-protection/, here you may give your voice. Time for a change like we are living in the 21st century and not in the Stone Age anymore.
by Claudia Gomes
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
10:00 Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins
10:00 Pilot whales