Not on every trip we get so many species of wildlife to observe. 4 different types of dolphins, 2 types of fish and 2 types of birds. The lucky once today on our trip with Stenella had a great feeding situation of Common dolphins feeding on herring and lots of Yellow-legged gulls and a few Manx Shearwaters using the situation to fill their own stomach. As our next highlight we observed Pilot whales resting at the surface and Bottlenose dolphins socializing and leaping. A fishermen in his small boat observed, half fascinated, half sad all these marine mammals, knowing that for him no tuna will bit the hook (but he still caught a blue shark to save the day of work). Already on our way back to the harbor we had the pleasure to be found by a pod of joyful leaping Atlantic Spotted dolphins. There was only missing a turtle 😉 basking on the flat water. Even without it, we all loved the tour!!!
by Claudia Gomes
Sichtungen des Tages:
10.00: Common Dolphins, Pilot whale, Bottlenose Dolphins, Atlantic Spotted Dolphins