On five trips today we saw all togehter four different species of toothed whales. Retrospective, a successful day like this, seems like a “sinfonia of the sea”. Composed by the different temper of the individual species, creating an echo also inside us. Sometimes the tempo is rather Adagio (slow), then changing into Allegro (faster). Playing music in the human visitor in his other living space.
Between all the beauty, we also saw an animal in distress. A young Bottlenose dolphin had a fishhook with fishingline inside his mouth. Unfortunately we were unable to reach or help him.
Astrid Haas
Todays sightings:
Ribeira Brava
13.30: Bottlenose dolphins ans Common dolphins
17.00: Bottlenose dolphins, Common dolphins and Pilotwhales
09.00: Common dolphins and Atlantic spotted dolphins
15.30: Bottlenose dolphins; Common dolphins and Pilotwhales
18.00: Bottlenose dolphins; Atlantic spotted dolphins and Pilotwhales