Tursiops truncatus / Paul do Mar
Ein voller Tag heute, eine Ribeira Brava fahrt, eine Stenella fahrt und abends noch mein Vortrag im Hotel Calheta Beach. Trotz spiegelgatter See entdeckten wir am Vormittag nur eine portugiesische Galeere, die einen Fisch verspeiste. Nachmittags auf der Stenellafahrt waren wir erfolgreicher, viele große Tümmler, einige gemeine Delfine und zwei Schildkröten sahen wir.
We had a busy day, in the morning we had a Ribeira Brava trip, in the afternoon we had a trip with Stenella and at night the presentation in the Hotel Calheta Beach. Despite the beautiful weather and the good sea conditions in the morning we only saw a portuguese man of war eating a little fish. In the afternoon we had more luck and saw lots of bottelnose dolphins, some common dolphins and two sea turtels.
Hoje tivemos um dia aterefado, de manhã uma viagem com a Ribeira Brava, a tarde uma viagem com o Stenella e a noite a palestra no hotel Calheta Beach. Apesar do bom tempo e do mar optimo, na parte da manhã apenas vimos uma caravela portuguesa a devorar um peixe pequeno. A tarde tivemos umn pouco mais de sorte e vimos um grupo grande de roazes, alguns golfinhos comuns e duas tartarugas.
Caretta caretta
Tursiops truncatus
Physalia physalis
Tursiops truncatus
Tursiops truncatus
Homo sapiens
Tursiops truncatus
Tursiops truncatus
Tursiops truncatus / Paul do Mar