On my way to harbor in the morning, the sea looked promising, while going out of the harbor, there were small white caps, but still in the “green area”. But the wind built up quickly, so this tour was a pretty salty affair. Our guests were GREAT! Yes, with you I would cross the Atlantic. Great family spirit that you have there !! Thank you for your great cooperation!
Filipe found us on the way back through the waves two loggerhead turtles (Caretta Caretta), but that remained our only sighting today.
Sea turtles have been living for 200mill. on our earth and are among the oldest reptiles. Compared to them, we are pure newbies on this planet! The 160,000-year-old skull bones of Homo sapiens idaltu from Ethiopia are currently regarded as the oldest, undisputed fossils assigned to anatomically modern humans.
The Homo sapiens (Latin for “understanding, understanding” or “wise, clever, smart, rational man”) is so much younger in its development history. There is a saying, “Nomen est omen (the name is a sign)”, but considering the human influence on our wonderful world, one can question this very much. So it is to be hoped that we will still be understanding, understanding, wise, clever, clever and sincere and rethink our role in this incredibly complex system. It is to be hoped that the protection of all life forms gets the most important priority. This will then also benefit the sea turtles.
By Fatima Kutzschbach
Sighting of the day
Ribeira Brava
10:00 Loggerhead turtles