The Anthropocene defined as the most recent geologic time period, where Human behaviours and activities have started to have influence on the Planet, is a complex concept that still is being studied and constantly redefined by researchers world wide and should be more and more present in our daily lives. We at Lobosonda as a respectful whale watching company, try to minimise our presence and impact on the animals during our trips, by observing carefully their behaviour and most important, respecting them and always explaining this to our guests on land during the briefing and on board. This was once more the case, during our morning trip whit the “Ribeira Brava”, during the observation of a pod of Common Dolphins. I tried to explain that the idea of feeding wild dolphins, would have a negative Impact by altering their natural behaviour.
by Daniel Jardim
Todays sightings:
Ribeira Brava:
10.00h: Common dolphins
1 Comment
I read that post twice and couldn’t let it go by without saying Daniel deserves congratulating on the really high standard of his written English : )
If my written Portuguese was half that good I would be delighted…….but no doubt I will still be struggling with all your iregular verbs !!!