Finally there was sunshine and a calm sea again. This is a pleasant change after the high swell of the last few days and the weather that awaits us tomorrow. In front of the harbor we saw Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), further out there were Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) and on the way back we saw another school of Bottlenose dolphins. There was a tangled mess of rope and plastic to collect.
At midday and evening we saw Bottlenose dolphins and Atlantic spotted dolphins. While the Spotted dolphins swam relaxed through the sea at midday, the large school of 150-200 animals was very dynamic in the evening. There were lots of jumps to see, a real dolphin confetti.
By Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
09:30 Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins
13:30 Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins, Blainville beaked whales
09:30 Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins
13:30 Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins
16:30 Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins