Today marked a milestone in my life as I embraced the role of the snorkelling guide, ready to explore the mesmerising depths of the ocean. With eager anticipation, we set sail to uncover the enchanting secrets that lay beneath the azure waters of the Atlantic.
At 9:00 am, the magic began we spotted a pod of Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) looking for food just a mile away from us. We got prepared and suit up as quickly as we could, we slided into the water and they started to dance effortlessly in the water just next to us. We could hear their playful clicks and whistles as they created a symphony of joy! But the true marvels were revealed when the adorable calves appeared in front of us, their innocent curiosity filling the air with an aura of pure enchantment. I hope everyone who joined me in my first day had as much fun as I did and will always remember this!
As the day unfolded, our encounters grew even more spectacular! At 2:00 pm, another pod of Atlantic spotted dolphins graced us with their presence, although a little bit more further out from the coast and in a hunting behaviour we were still able to enjoy their skills shining through the wavy ocean.
Then at 5:00 pm, the ocean unveiled more of its treasures. We were greeted by the big Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), whose big bodies and synchronized movements filled us with curiosity to see more and more.
Finally, after an extensive search, the ocean bestowed upon us a rare gift – the majestic Blainville’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris) made an appearance, gliding gracefully through the waves. Witnessing this magnificent creatures in their natural habitat left us speechless, humbled by the grandeur of nature.
As the sun set and we sailed back we couldn’t stop feeling more than grateful for the beauty of the marine world. It is with immense joy and responsibility that I have embarked on this conservation journey, and I can’t wait to share many more incredible experiences with fellow ocean enthusiasts and share my knowledge around the world!
Stay tuned for more thrilling encounters with marine life as we continue to unravel the mysteries of the deep blue. Until next time, may the wonders of the ocean always inspire us to protect and cherish our precious marine ecosystem!
By Camila Dávila
Sightings of the day
9:00 Atlantic spotted dolphin (Snorkeling)
14:00 Atlantic spotted dolphin
17:00 Bottlenose dolphin
Ribeira Brava
17:00 Bottlenose dolphin, Blainville’s beaked whale