Such a great tour! As we left harbor, we had news that dolphins had been sighted. But plans quickly changed because the spotter found whales. Is there a better feeling than floating in whale soup? Barely! All guests and the crew enjoyed the contact with the big, powerful, imposing baleen whales. A species of whale would have been wonderful, but we were floating in the middle of two species. We were lucky enough to see Fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) as well as Sei whales (Balaenoptera borealis). These wonderful sea creatures moved calmly and relaxed, and we were allowed to accompany them.
After this special encounter, we had another nice close observation with the beautiful Short-beaked Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis). This was such a vital experience.
I particularly like tours like this, not only because our guests have experienced something wonderful and can take a special experience home with them, but also because the different qualities of the encounters become very clear. In contact with the baleen whales, the guests show calm amazement, but with the dolphins, an overflowing joy. I love this so much!
By Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
10:00 Common dolphins, Striped dolphins
15:00 Sei whales, Finn whales, Common dolphins