Tursiops truncatus
2 verschiedene Schulen von Tümmlern sahen wir heute: zuerst die, die hier an Madeira vorbeiziehen, die viel Spaß mit unserem hatten. Daher konnten wir 20 Minuten bei ihnen bleiben. Später dann sahen wir noch residente Tümmler, bei denen wir kurz blieben, weil sie immer etwas auf Distanz waren.
Tursiops truncatus
2 different groups of bottlenose dolphins today: first the travelers which enjoyed to approach to our vessel and we could stay with them for 20 minutes. Later on the residents, which needed much more distance to our vessel and so we only stayed with them for some minutes. The last two pictures are for the french couple to show the barnacles, if it’s this what they saw.
Tursiops truncatus / Cirripedia
2 grupos diferentes de roazes hoje. Uns eram roazes na passagem cá na ilha, que aproximaram se da embarcação e brincaram conosco. Com estes ficamos 20 minutos até outro barco se aproximou. Depois tivemos com roazes residentes, aí só ficamos pouco tempo porque eles sintam-se mais perturbados perante a presença de barcos.