It’s hard to guess what a dolphin thinks, they are very intelligent of course. But it’s still hard to imagine what exactly they think. They are capable of emotion, tool use, recreation and sport even empathy is suggested. The following is an imagination of a dolphin’s Poetic soul:
To hunt or not hunt, that is the question.
Whether tís nobler in the mind to join my family on a hunt for delicious fish.
Or to disregard the sea’s unending effort.
And bow-ride calmly, here with Ribeira Brava.
To surf, to sleep, no stress.
And by this surfing to say we end
The hart-ache, and the thousand naturall shocks
That flesh is heire to.
This was of course an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Hamlet (Second Quarto). Shortly thereafter the lazy dolphin realised it was time to eat, forgot all about his existentialistic ponderings, and joined his family in the hunt. When dolphins hunt together, their well coordinated hunting techniques tend to be quite successful, herding the fish into an easily snackable food-ball, our Dolphin hamlet clicked happily at his friends, and with a full tummy they swam off to the horizon without a care in the world
The end.
By Scott Dorssers