A petition describes in Latin a „Request“, a „Plea”. It is a document addressed to the appropriate authorities and signed by numerous individuals to indicate about grievance. A petition is an instrument which gives the chance to express someone’s opinion officially. Organizations are using online- petitions as an opportunity to find quickly supporters for their affair.
By now you can find plenty of petitions to all different subjects. It might be questioned if every of these petitions make sense.
On our homepage you will find a series of petitions referred to protection of sea mammals and the ocean.
Nature is normally in balance. But man always takes too much, doesn’t know one’s bounds. Whether the big amount of plastics, or over fishing, or mindless slaughter of whales, dolphins, sharks etc., the ways to damage life and habitat are manifold.
The animal kingdom of the ocean is without a vote. But we can point out grievance. It takes only a few clicks to support organizations, which are committed to conservation. We hold it is of great importance to take responsibility and to take a stand. Petitions are successful due to the fact that someone takes some minutes to support the good cause. Be a part of it! Thank you very much for your engagement!
by Fatima Kutzschbach