If you want to see a creature which seems out of this world you don’t have to go to outer space. A look under the surface of our ocean is enough. The creature I am speaking about is the Bearded fireworm (Hermodice carunculata). This common little critter of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea reaches lengths of up to 40cm and is a ferocious predator on the seafloor. Its red coloration and the two rows of white setae or hairs on each of its segments makes him unmistakable. Like with fire (and generally every type of wild animal) you should not touch the fireworm. These setae are part of his defence mechanism and secrete a strong neurotoxin when touched. This painful sting will burn them for several hours up to some days, so be aware. Next time you go diving, snorkelling or swimming keep an eye out for these marine aliens.
By Horst Schulte
Image source: Horst Schulte