After searching long and hard for animals out on the Atlantic this morning, our spotter was able to provide us with a truly sensational sighting. A […]
Toothed whales (Odontoceti) are social animals and everyone who has had the pleasure of enjoying an encounter with a member of this diverse family of marine […]
Last year a beautiful traditional boat, representing an interesting project worth supporting, made a short pitstop in our marina. We had the opportunity to speak to […]
All babies are adorable and have that notorious “babyface”. With their larger eyes, rounder facial features and shorter snout, baby dolphins are no exception to this […]
As soon as we left the harbor this morning we met a school of Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). First they showed signs of interest but then […]
An amazing day with two wonderful trips on our beautiful Ribeira Brava comes to an end. During both trips we had interactive Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) which […]