Heute sahen wir gemeine Delfine mit ganz kleinen, nur wochenalten Tieren, viele Fleckendelfine und nachmittags Streifendelfine und wieder die gleichen gemeinen Delfine von heute morgen. Nachmittags sahen wir außerdem 9 falsche Karett-Schildkröten.
Today we saw common dolphins with very little babys, maybe only some weeks old, we saw lots of atlantic spotted dolphins and in the afternoon striped dolphins and the same pot of common dolphins we saw in the morning. In the afternoon weßve seen as well 9 Loggerhead turtles.
Hoje vimos golfinhos comuns com crias bastante pequenas, só algumas semanas de idade, vimos muitos golfinhos pintados e a tarde golfinhos riscados e mais uma vês o mesmo grupo de golfinhos comuns do que de manha. A tarde tambem vimos 9 tartarugas de boba.