On today’s trip, our guests were keenly observing a pod of Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the warm sunshine on a very wavy, deep-blue Atlantic ocean. Our traditional boat was being smoothly maneuvered over the 4m high swell with the interactive creatures riding the waves at the bow of the vessel. The water off the coast of Jardim do Mar was so crystal clear that we could make out the individual scars on the bodies of the animals that frequently turned onto their flanks to glimpse up at us.
What made this trip equally exciting for me was the international makeup of the guests on board; English, German, Czech, Italian and French. I’ve never had so many different nationalities on one tour and, what was even more rewarding, was their genuine interest and admiration for the animals. Thank you for the enjoyable morning and for braving the high swell, you were a fantastic group that I would happily welcome on board again.
By Paula Thake
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
10:00 Bottlenose dolphins