We had another calm day on the ocean with amazing sightings. The Pilot whales had all time of the world and floated relaxed at the surface. Right in the middle of the group a single Bottlenose dolphin. Furthermore we met a school of Striped dolphins behaving in their typical way and keeping their distance. Nevertheless it was a beautiful sight since they moved in a good pace through the blue. On our way back we fished a balloon out of the ocean and saved a tiny little bit the World. The best: you can do it as well in our immediate vicinity. It is a great feeling! Try it! In the afternoon the ocean was crowded with Spotted dolphins and our guests were very happy about it. In addition we saw a group of Striped dolphins.
by Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
10:00 Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphin, Striped dolphins
14:30 Atlantic Spotted dolphins, Striped dolphins
10:00 Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphin, Striped dolphins
15:00 Atlantic Spotted dolphins, Striped dolphins