What a wonderful trip, a smooth sea and the sun conjure stars of light on the surface and our encounters with the animals were magical-beautiful. Two groups of Pilot whales floated at the surface and impressed everybody with their beauty, their breathing sounds and some youngsters even made communication sounds. Among this peaceful scenery were two Bottlenose dolphins. Subsequently we were able to observe a school of Atlantic Spotted dolphins. They were curious and came close to the boat. Our guests and the crew were full of exaltation, joy, enchantment and veneration. This is how we love it at most, if a deep experience is happening. Please sign the petitions (under Marine Protection) as a way to thank for this special adventure.
During the afternoon we had an amazing encounter with many, many, many of our lovely Spotted dolphins. It was full of intensity.
by Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
10:00 Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins
14:30 Atlantic Spotted dolphins
10:00 Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic Spotted dolphins