The participants of todays snorkeling trip had a great start in the day. Our spotter guided the zodiac on the right place and found an interactive school of Atlantic spotted dolphins. The ocean was flat like a mirror and so nice sightings under water were possible.
Likewise also the guests of the other trips were enthusiastic and lucky. This common interest respectively passion for marine mammals unifys and connect people in a natural way. Always nice to see this side effect of our tours. On your third tour with Ribeira Brava today a wish came through also for you (sea-turtle fans of Brandenburg, Germany). After observing baleen-whales and dolphins on your previous rides, today you finally managed it and saw a Loggerhead sea-turtle.
Participants of the afternoon tour were enjoying for a while being in the middle of a huge school of feeding Atlantic spotted dolphins. Where ever we looked, we saw dolphins in action, surfing waves, feeding, jumping high in order to herd prey. From time to time a baleen whale crossed our zodiac.
Both, animals and humans, were full of vim and delighted (at least we on board were). Great, sharing these feelings, and the joy about nature trasures with like-minded people.
by Astrid Haas
Sightings of the day:
10.00: Atlantic spotted dolphins (snorkeling trip)
15.00: Tropical whales and Atlantic spotted dolphins
Ribeira Brava
10.00: Tropical whales, Atlantic spotted dolphins and sea turtles