We had some truly beautiful sightings with several dolphin species today; from the quick & agile Striped Dolphins to our resident Madeiran Bottlenose dolphins up to our energetic and delightful Atlantic Spotted dolphins. While dolphins are always a pleasure to encounter because of their curious and lively nature, we were just as thrilled to report some lovely Bryde’s Whale sightings.
Baleen whales such as the Bryde’s Whale are, in contrast to the family of the toothed whales (Odontoceti), solitary filter-feeders, draining schooling fish and zooplankton out of the water column using their baleen plates. They are quite difficult to spot and tend to behave rather evasive towards oncoming vessels. During a sighting, the animal often engages in a series of shallow dives that usually last 5-10 minutes each and may surface anywhere in the area. While there are those rare occasions where the whale approaches our boats, it’s usually a game of hide and seek. The entertaining part of it is; everyone joins in the game. Spotter, skipper, guide and guests all scan the ocean for the animal and unanimously celebrate when its localised again. Now that’s teamwork!
by Paula Thake
Ribeira Brava
10:00 Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins
14:30 Bryde’s Whale
10:00 Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic spotted dolphins
15:00 Bottlenose dolphins, Bryde’s Whale, Sperm whale